Getting back in the Salon is amazing, but don't forget to look after yourself!

With most Salons now re-opened across the globe, we have seen many stylists working longer hours than usual to accommodate the same number of clients they would post Covid-19 while maintaining the new social distancing guidelines. The new working situation is hard and can put a huge strain on Salon owners and their staff. 

We know that it is easy to get caught up in the moment and prioritise your customers but don’t forget to look after yourself, staff and colleagues. After all, you have two homes: Earth and your body. 


 We have put together a few tips to help you remember to take care of yourself during the madness. 

Ensure you are hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Recommendations for the quantity vary depending on the climate, but The UK National Health Service EatWell Guide recommends between 6-8 glasses a day. *


Remember to take a lunch break, or at least take short breaks and snack regularly throughout the day. It’s important to give your feet a rest and to get some fresh air, even if you just pop outside for a couple of minutes.


Fuel your body from the inside out by choosing healthy food items. This way you will be able to tackle the rest of the day with a good amount of energy. Just think, when you fuel the cortex by doing a Wet Stretch Test and prescribing the correct Treatment, the cortex will get stronger. When you eat healthy nutritional foods, you will feel strong and ready to tackle the rest of your clients.


Try to get enough sleep. Studies have shown that adults need between 7 and 9 hours a night in order to function properly throughout the day including improved concentration and productivity.** 


Don’t forget to take time for you; even if it’s just to enjoy a socially distanced picnic or video chat with family and friends. You are only human!


Most people have been more active than ever during lockdown. If possible try and keep up some form of exercise; whether it’s 10 minutes of yoga in the morning, or a weekly walk. You could even try and do some squats or stretches in the staff room.


Stay positive! Some of our Salons have compared the first few weeks of re-opening to the Christmas rush and then have experienced a lull in bookings. Perhaps try and space out your bookings as much as possible, so you don’t create a reoccurring rush every six weeks.


Self care Sunday! You spend most days telling customers not to forget their hair Treatment. So, make sure you take your own advice! Dedicate a little time a week to pamper yourself with a hair treatment, face mask and bath! Or whatever helps you unwind. 



**Sleep Foundation and Healthline