Tis’ the season to be eco-friendly! 

Making sustainable choices over the holidays can be overwhelming. But there are some easy things you can do to make this the most eco-friendly – but still fabulous – year yet. We spoke to some of the most sustainable hairdressers we know to get their tips for a sustainable holiday.  

This year aKarine Jackson Hair & Beauty they’ve used pot plants instead of a traditional tree. How cool is that?! And for the past few years, Barnet and Belle have reused the same tree. During the year it lives in a pot in the garden ready to be dressed for Christmas come December.  

Think of how much paper goes into making the gazillion cards we send each year. Why not make a Christmas video to send out? Or an awesome electronic card. There are some gorgeous options on offer these days that you can personalise with your own photos and messages. These options are still thoughtful but no paper is needed  


It’s been a hard year for small business around the world, so be sure to support them wherever you can. Your local hairdresser will have loads of gift options on offer. These Organic Colour Systems gift boxes are the perfect present and come in plastic free and recyclable packaging. 

There’s nothing like a good string of lights at Christmas time. But remember, LED lights are more environmentally friendly. Not only are they cheaper to run, but they use far less energy and last way longer than traditional bulbs. This one’s a no-brainer really.  

Instead of buying a new advent calendar every year, get yourself a reusable one. Even better, make it yourself. Reusable calendars are great fun for the family and can be personalised to your tastes 

If you buy presents, remember that not all wrapping paper is recyclable. Using brown paper can look really beautiful. You could even re-use your Organic Colour Systems gift bags. Just follow these easy steps:

Store bought Christmas crackers are often filled with junk that ends up in landfill. Why not give small table presents instead? Or get creative and make your own crackers with a chocolate treat or a gift that you will actually want to keep

Anne Marie Bonneau sums it up: “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.”  

Every little step makes a difference. What steps will you take this festive season?

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