Clean hair colour allowed me to continue hairdressing

For one hairdresser in The US, Meli Comp, a battle with her health meant switching to clean hair colour was the only way she could continue the career she loved.

Let’s start at the very beginning…

Meli was in her mid-twenties and struggling to conceive her second baby when she decided it was the perfect time to start cosmetology school.

“I can’t believe it now, but in the beginning, I didn’t want anything to do with hair,” remembers Meli, who’d always loved doing nails. “Maybe because my little sister chopped off my ponytail as a toddler and the trauma hadn’t quite faded!”

Clean-hair-colour-Meli-CompBut once she began her studies, Meli’s passion for nails – she’d been doing acrylics for her friends since she was 15 years old – soon switched to hair. Like most stylists, her career started with conventional hair colour and she quickly noticed the negative effect it had on her.

“I’ve always struggled with migraines,” says Meli. “But they definitely got much worse while I was in school.”

Taking several days, or even weeks, off at a time to give her body time to recover, from what she could only assume was over-exposure to harsh chemicals, was not uncommon.

“I had to opt out of doing perms because I was incredibly allergic to them. So, I learned how to perm on a mannequin while wrapping with water.”

Despite the difficulties, she persevered with school and her love for hairdressing flourished. Then, as she neared the end of her studies, Meli was surprised and elated to discover she and her husband Chad were expecting their second son. This was all the motivation she needed to start researching holistic haircare.

“I had to figure out what I was going to do,” says Meli. “I had to be able to work and help care for our family, but I also knew I needed a healthier option.”

Meli couldn’t afford to take time off to heal from toxic fumes like she did during her study, and she desperately didn’t want her new baby to be exposed to harsh chemicals on a daily basis. So, shortly after Meli graduated in 2012, she opened a salon at her home in Central Colorado Springs with a naturally-based colour line (not Organic Colour Systems).

A new business…

Five months into her new business, Meli was struggling. “All of the products were clean, but none of them were doing what I needed them to do in order to achieve really great results. There was very little education offered for this line and I was completely in the dark.”

And then her best friend Shanae moved into the area and began working in a salon using Organic Colour Systems. Shanae said: “Mel, you have GOT to try this stuff. It’s stupid amazing!”

Organook - Organic Colour Systems on the shelf

Fast forward nine months and that’s exactly what she did.

“No one told me how hard it was to work at home and love on your baby at the same time,” says Meli. “I was a few tantrums and one more nappy shy of losing my mind attempting to do both.”

Shanae convinced her friend to walk away from the stresses of running a business to instead work alongside her using Organic Colour Systems.

“I was blown away by the [OCS] education. Then came the results. Then the happy guests sitting in my chair telling me how much they loved their hair. I was smitten; this could not get any better! Where had this stuff been my whole career?”


But then, life threw another curve ball and Meli’s career came to a screeching halt. She was struck by a mysterious illness that left her bedridden for three weeks.

“About half way through the day, my legs just would not stop hurting. And by the end of the day I was in so much pain that I could no longer stand and it was excruciating to walk. The next day I’d have ankles the size of large grapefruits.”

Day after day Meli desperately searched for answers. Doctors advised her not to walk unless absolutely necessary. She was terrified. A chest x-ray showed swelling in her lymph nodes, with doctors suggesting “Maybe Lymphoma?”. Those words still make her spine crawl today.

After weeks of waiting Meli was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis, (pronounced sarr-koy-dow-suhs). It’s a rare condition that causes the enlargement of lymph nodes in many parts of the body and the widespread appearance of granulomas. It can affect many organs, but in Meli’s case it was mainly her lungs. Many of her doctors verbally discouraged Meli from continuing her hairdressing career because it was unclear what effect the chemicals may have on someone with her condition, explains Meli.

“That was until I told them about the system I was using and how remarkably different it was. Then, they were excited for me!”

Meli has been in remission of Sarcoidosis since 2014.

New chapters…

Shortly after, Shanae and Meli ventured out together to start PurHair Organic Care Salon in Colorado Springs.

“I have been honored to work side by side with Shanae. Our growth within ourselves through PurHair and Organic Colour Systems is unlike anything I could have ever dared to dream for my life.”

But again, with the good – a successful new salon working with someone she loved and respected, and welcoming her third child into the world – came struggles. In 2019 Meli was diagnosed with Lupas, and then Hashimotos. But she credits Organic Colour Systems for her continued career.

“I never once feared my body was being jeopardized further by harsh traditional salon chemicals,” says Meli.

When Covid-19 hit and closures began, the salon location become unfeasible for Meli and the time came for the duo to allow themselves the opportunity to grow individually. Meli opened Organook Natural Beauty Rehab in September 2020. Her new salon was closer to home and allowed more time to focus on family life and homeschooling her two youngest boys throughout the pandemic. Shanae took PurHair to a new location across town shortly after.

“Both of our businesses are thriving and we continue to share our love for each other as well as our passion for this amazing opportunity through Organic Colour Systems.”

Thank you Meli for welcoming us in to your story. We deeply admire your determination and wish you bucket loads of joy, love and health for the road ahead.

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